John BIRD (1545–1615)
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John BIRD (1545–1615) & Colleen CROSSART (1550–1621)
Page established January 18, 2018

Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2022 "Digging for our Roots"

John BIRD (1545–1615) & Colleen CROSSART (1550–1621)
10th great-grandparents of Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012)
Terry Louis Linton © 2018
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 2018
LINTON & BIRD Chronicles Volume XII, Issue 4, Winter © 2017-18, ISSN 1941-3521
Updated July 30, 2022
John BIRD (1545–1615) & Colleen CROSSART (1550–1621) were the 5th grandparents of Ironmaster William BIRD (1706-1761) Esquire and the 10th great-grandparents of Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012).
John BIRD (1545-1615) was born in 1545 and died in November 13, 1615 in Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland. John was buried on November 15, 1615 in the Church of Saint John the Evangelist cemetery, Dublin, Ireland. [i]
John married Colleen CROSSART (1550–1621) on September 3, 1570, in the Church of Saint John the Evangelist, Dublin, Ireland. Colleen was born in 1550 and died on January 29, 1621 in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. [ii]
The Bird & Crossart families were recorded as long-time members of the Church of Saint John the Evangelist. The church was a former Church of Ireland church located on the west side of Fishamble Street in the center of old Dublin, Ireland. Some of its parish records survive.
According to Sir John Gilbert the church was built in 1168 by a native Irishman called Giolla Michell. The church was then attached to the Church of the Most Holy Trinity (Christ Church), which was run by the Augustinian Order. Fishamble Street, in those times reached only as far as the Music Hall, the rest, where the church was located, was called Bothestret. In the church there was a chapel to St. Mary and one to St. John, which was used by the Guild of Tailors.
An Arland Ussher (died 1557), nephew of the Mayor of Dublin, rebuilt the church. The new church consisted of a chancel, nave and two aisles. There were vaults underneath the church and a belfry contained three bells.
The church was re-built in 1681. Its walls were only 24 feet high. There were 42 pews, which were shared among several families. The names Bird, Bladen, Hutchinson, Forster, Crumpe, Crossart, Thompson, Grimes, Reeves, Stacey and Shipley, among others, are recorded. [iii]
John & Colleen had four known children:
i Andrew BIRD (1572–1642) born 1572 in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland died November 6, 1642 in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Burried November 7, 1642 in the Church of Saint John the Evangelist, Dublin, Ireland. [iv]
iii Mary BIRD (1579–?) born in Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland and Baptised in the in the Church of Saint John the Evangelist, Dublin, Ireland [iv]
iv Colleen BIRD (1681-?) born in Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland and Baptised in the in the Church of Saint John the Evangelist, Dublin, Ireland [iv]
[i] Ireland, Burial Index, 1600-1927; Author,; Publisher, Operations, Inc. Publisher date, 2012; Publisher location, Provo, UT, USA; Address
[ii] Title: Irish Publisher Irish Publisher location internet.
[iii] Sources: Gilbert, John (1854). A History of the City of Dublin. Oxford: Oxford University Press. George Newenham Wright (1825) An Historical Guide to Ancient and Modern Dublin; 2nd ed. Samuel Carlyle Hughes The Church of S. John the Evangelist, Dublin, Dublin, 1889. Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, 2009.
[iv] Irish Publisher Publisher location, internet: Web address,…Ireland Select Birth and Baptisms 1620-1911 [database on-line] Provo, UT.: Operations, Inc. 2011. Original Data: Ireland Births and Baptisms 1620-1911. Index Salt Lake City Utah: Family Search, FHL Film Number: 824047.

Direct BIRD Lineage
Terry Louis Linton © 1991
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1991
Direct Genealogy Lineage of Thomas Jefferson Bird Sr. (1861-1931) And Drusilla Gay (1867-1948) (Terry L. Linton © 1987) (Linton Research Fund, Inc., Publication © 1987) (First Revision, February © 1989) (Second Revision, December, © 1991, (Third Revision, May, © 1995,) (printed in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA)
LINTON Chronicles Volume XVIV, Issue 2, Summer © 2024, ISSN 1941-3521
Direct BIRD Lineage
John BIRD (1545–1615) & Colleen CROSSART (1550–1621)
Andrew BIRD (1572–1642) & Elizabeth CRUMPE (1575–1637)
Thomas BIRD Sr., (1598–1662) & Mary BELDEN (1600–1664) the emigrants
Thomas BIRD (1637–1713) & Catalyntje BORDT-BRADT (1638–1669)
Andrew BIRD (1651-1693) & Hannah DEMING (1648-1686)
Andrew BIRD (1673-1722) & Mary Katrun "KUVER" COVERT (1689-1723)
Ironmaster William BIRD (1706-1761) Esquire & Brigitte HULING (1715-1790)
Colonel Marcus "Mark" Huling BIRD (1739-1812) & Mary ROSS (1744-1790)
George BIRD Sr., (1774-1847) & Martha ROBESON (1771-1836)
George BIRD, Jr., (1821-1888) & Melinda Elizabeth CARROLL (1827-1906)
Thomas Jefferson BIRD (1861-1931) and Drusilla GAY (1867-1948)
Jeff Augustus "Gus" BIRD (1893-1954) & Clara Myrtle GRAY-SADLER (1900-1988)
Gue & Clare had sixteen children:
Guy Edward "Eddie" BIRD (1918-1957): Earl Alford BIRD (1919-1991); Myrtle Elizabeth BIRD Dougall Holzapel (1921-1996); Evelyn Virginia BIRD Linton (1922-2012) J. A. "Jeff Augustus" BIRD (1923-2015); Albert Irvin BIRD (1925-2008); Donald Milton BIRD (1926-1999); Margaret Drusilla BIRD Norwood (1928-2019); Iva Lee BIRD Bryant (1930-1993); Carlton Norris Bird (1931-2002); Franklin Delano "Buddy" BIRD (1934-2016); Frances Dell BIRD Shivers (1934-2014); Mary Louise BIRD Gill (1936); David Brewer Bird (1938-1997); Patricia "Pat" Marjie BIRD Bronstad (1941)-2023); Beatrice "Betty" Jean BIRD Jensen (1942)

“We exist because of our ancestors, let’s try not to forget them”
"That’s a beautiful and profound statement. Our ancestors’ experiences, struggles, and achievements have shaped the world we live in today. It’s important to honor and remember them, as they are a part of our history and identity”
Terry Louis Linton © 2012.
Irish Bird coat of arms copyright House Of Names
Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2022 "Digging for our Roots"
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Linton Research Fund Inc., Publication © 1987-2024 “Digging for our roots”
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Established 1984
Quarterly Publication of the Linton Research Fund Inc.